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Rams sixth round pick deemed ‘best value’ in entire draft by ESPN analyst

ESPN’s Matt Miller has to grades hundreds of prospects in the draft every year, if not sometimes tipping the scales close to 1,000 names, so it’s notable that he was especially stunned that the Los Angeles Rams were able to draft offensive lineman Beaux Limmer in the sixth round. On Monday, Miller posted his best values and biggest reaches in a thread on Twitter and named Limmer alongside receiver Brenden Rice and quarterback Michael Pratt.

That’s quite the praise for a player who went 217th overall.

Best Value:
Brenden Rice, Beaux Limmer, Michael Pratt

Biggest Reaches:
Jarrian Jones, Jordan Jefferson, Sione Vaki— Matt Miller (@nfldraftscout) April 29, 2024

Perhaps it only means that Limmer will be a good backup with a chance to compete as a starter in the future, maybe 2025 or 2026, but it’s not a bad sign that L.